Monday, November 13, 2006

Special Tamil Lecture

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Special Tamil Lecture in Abbaasiya (Jaleeb Al Shuwakh)

Dear Tamil Speaking Muslim Brothers & Sisters! Assalamu Alaikum Warah...

" Kuwait Tamil Islamic Committee (K-Tic) "
(Religious Social Welfare Organization of Tamil speaking Muslim community in Kuwait ) would like to announce that the
"Special Tamil Lecture"
(for both ladies and gents) will be held on

Day: Friday November 17, 2006 (Insha Allah...)

Time: 4'O clock PM (After Asar Prayer) upto 8.30 pm.

Venue: Masjid Ukkaasha Bin Muhsin, Street - 100, Near Abbaasiyya Super Market, Behind Indian United School, Abbaasiyyah (Jaleeb Al Shuwaikh), Kuwait.

Bus Rute : 51, 39, 21, 22, 36, 66 & 88 (Jaleeb Co-Operative Socaity Bus Stop)


1. Moulana Moulavi Al haj
Abdul Latheef Qasimi Hazrath
Presdint, Kuwait Tamil Islamic Committee (K-Tic), Kuwait & Imaam, Masjid Ukkasha, Kuwait.

2. Moulana Moulavi Hafiz Qari
A.R. Mohammed Ali Rashadi Fazil Mazhahiri

3. Moulana Moulavi
K. Sirajud Deen Hasani M.A.,

All are invited with your Family, Relatives and Friends.
May we kindly request you to circulate the above information to all your relatives, friends and their families living in Kuwait to take part in this program.

For more details please contact:

Moulavee A.B. Khaleel Ahmed Baaqavee M.A., - 78 72 482
A.K. Sultan Abdul Nasar B.A., - 94 30 786
Br. Mohammed Nasar - 73 02 747

Email: q8tic@yahoo. com.

Please visit our Website:
www.q8tic.blogspot. com &

Join( y)our Yahoo Group :


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